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Crystal Guide

Crystal Knowledge

  • ​Abalone Shell- Chakras: crown, third eye and heart. Provides protection, security, happiness and joy. Helps with dealing with ones self and others, insecurity, disappointment and despondency. Stimulates imagination, intuition, creativity clarity and relaxation.

  • Agate- Chakra: crown. Stability, persistence, grounding, rebalancing, communication, clarity and confidence. Enhances mental function, improves concentration, and transmutes energy. Helps heal the eyes, stomach and uterus. Soothing and stress relieving, agate has a calming vibration bringing you back to nature.

  • Amazonite- Chakras: throat and heart. Truth, communication and harmony. Opens the throat chakra and gives courage for those who hold back their truth. Heart chakra brings through compassion and allows truth to flow and have harmony with oneself and others. Assisting one in communicating one’s true thoughts and feelings without over emotionalism. Helps to teach energetic boundaries.

  • Amethyst- Chakras: crown and third eye. Considered a spiritual stone. Clears the mind of unwanted chatter, gives wisdom and helps open 3rd eye for clearer decision making. Helps purify blood, accelerating tissue and organ repair during menstruation especially after an intense flow leading to excessive blood loss. Relieves tension from the neck and shoulders while easing cramps. Encourages connection, sobriety and love with oneself. Offers protection, humility, spiritual wisdom, and stress relief.

  • Ammonites- Chakras: third eye and root. Spiral shape fossilized Bearpaw Sea, sea shell, died out 66 million years ago. Symbolizing change and positive motion, activates the Kundalini. Takes in negative energy and transmutes it to positive energy, thus healing past trauma. Provides protection and stability making it possible to achieve balance in your body, mind, and spirit.

  • Aventurine- Chakras: third eye, heart and root. Positive stone of prosperity, confidence, promoting compassion, encouraging perseverance, and reinforcing leadership. Reduces selfcriticism, opens you to giving and receiving love. Boost self confidence allowing you to put yourself out there. Helps practice forgiveness towards yourself and others.

  • Black Tourmaline- Chakra: root. Grounding, protection, clears negative energies and thoughts. Can help with anxiety, stress and a good nights sleep. Clears the aura, bringing fourth confidence and truth seeking. Helps heal a broken heart, while encouraging love to dissolve disruptive feelings.

  • Bloodstone- Chakras: heart and root. Healing properties can help with physical, emotional, and spiritual balancing issues. Grounding you fully in the body. Purifies blood, boost immune system, stimulates circulation and dissolves blockages. Used to increase courage, health, vitality and intuition. Increases mental clarity, aids in decision making, gives motivation and creative energy. Magical properties will allow one to draw power from the weather for personal healing. Tapping into the winds to bring forth change or the rain to wash away what’s no longer needed.

  • Blue Kyanite- Chakras: third eye and throat. Powers are to connect the physical, astral and energy bodies allowing for full consciousness. Stone of connection, it can bridge connections needed in this experience. Shifting the energy of old patterns, cuts emotional ties from the past making room for growth and understanding. Helps to restore peace in damaged relationships. Encourages to find your voice and to speak your authentic truth, empowering you to create your own path through life.

  • Blue Quartz- Chakras: third eye and throat. Inspires personal growth, healing and life long learning. Encourages us to cultivate thoughtful relationships. Your journey is unique, comparison is the theft of joy. Heals the endocrine system and boost the immune system.

  • Brecciated Jasper- Chakras: Provides mental clarity and focus. Called the ‘great rain bringer’ and an ability to strengthen the stomach and provide cures to gynecological issues. Drives away evil spirits and protects against snake and spider bites. Used to heal miss guided feelings of shame and guilt around sexual issues or sexual abuse.

  • Bumble Bee Jasper- Chakras: sacral and solar plexus. Raises self-esteem, clarity and enhances creativity. Zaps energetic blocks, negative self talk and pulls you into spiritual alignment. Helps with strength, courage, passion, transformation and opportunity. Cast a light on your talents, passions and deepest values. Focuses your efforts on what matters most, compelling you to take risks, while embracing the adventures on the pursuit of your goals regardless of the obstacles you encounter.

  • Carnelian- Chakras: sacral and root. Powerful healer for blockages and trauma trapped in the root chakra and helps to overcome depression. Can awaken hidden talents, stimulate ambition, and help wipe fear and doubt out. Protects against rage, envy and resentment for yourself and from others. Alleviates jealousy and possessiveness in relationships. Banishes emotional negativity to allow positive energy in while energizing the lower chakras.

  • Celestine- Chakras: crown, third eye and throat. Teaches you to trust in the higher powers of your own abilities. Detoxifying, pain relieving and calming properties for your mind, body and soul. Helps with migraines, anxiety and stress, aiding in more restful sleep . Guides your inner spirit towards light and high vibrations. Sends peace, strength and emotional stability to help you open up to new experiences.

  • Chrysocolla- Chakras: throat, heart and root. It’s main role is to sooth, calm and inspire. Is the stone of communication, teaching and transformation for your inner truth. Brings harmony, increase wisdom and decreases nervousness and irritability. Can relieve symptoms of low selfesteem helping you to express yourself clearly. Tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love, is known as the healing stone among native American cultures.

  • Citrine- Chakras: solar plexus, sacral and root. Stone of personal power and abundance that helps to release fears and increase motivation. Known as a stone of personal power, manifesting abundance, prosperity and joy in all areas of life. Brings energy, helps the thyroid.

  • Clear Quartz- Chakras: all. Healing and Spiritual growth. Clears the mind, body and spirit of clutter and can help to align the wearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential.

  • Desert Rose- Chakras: Crown, solar plexus and root chakra. Providing protection, grounding, mental clarity, focus and guidance. Purifies your own energy for manifesting, self expression and divine will. Eases cravings and promotes inner strength.

  • Dragon vein Agate- Chakras: Stone of strength, protecting against stress, helping to prevent the drain of your personal energy. Properties help to improve memory and concentration, encourages honesty and increases stamina. Prevents you from holding back your emotions, and stimulates intellectual curiosity.

  • Fluorite- Chakras: balances all. Element: Wind. Purple is ideal for purification, and access to the mind. Green cleanses and heals the heart, helps manifest ideas from the heart. Fluorite brings structure and focus, it assist in balancing brain chemistry. It can also assist healers and light workers in shifting energies.

  • Garnet- Chakras: all. Symbolizes love, friendship, perseverance and strength and is known as a ‘commitment stone’. Positive energy and good luck to its wearer. Supports reproductive organs by stimulating metabolism and healthy cell production. Helps you let go of old behavior patterns and boost self-confidence.

  • Hematite- Chakra: root. Massive grounding & gain clarity for manifestation. It can counteract spaciness and confusion, helping one to see practical concerns and move forward with useful action. Protects you from negative energies and getting distracted with overthinking or over analyzing while trying to manifest.

  • Howlite- Chakras: basic and crown. Linked to patience, passion, creative, compassion inspiration and perspective. Aligns you to be more mindful. Aids in insomnia, especially if coming from an over active mind. Teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. Reminds us of the power we hold and urges on to us em channel and harness this energy to individual self healing.

  • Jade- Chakras: crown, third eye, heart, solar plexus and root. Said to bring good luck, prosperity, friendship, peace and harmony. Grounding and helps your mind from overthinking itself into a self destructive cycle. Protects from negative energies around you. It will also ensure that you have serenity and stability in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspect of your life.

  • Labradorite- Chakras: third eye and throat. Helpful for people who overwork. Great for protection, creativity and consciousness. Known as a stone of transformation, enhancing strength of will and inner worth. Clears anxiety. It’s a stone that shows the way to selfsoothing, artistic ambition, cosmic energy, and enhancing our own mental clarity. Creates a shield for auras and protects against negativity of the world.

  • Lava- Chakra: root. Grounding, focus, purification and balance, materialism and restraint. Those seeking lava are seeking energy and stamina. New beginnings, releasing the past, reinventing yourself, enhancing creativity and the list goes on. Improving communication and libido. Filters your emotions.

  • Lapis Lazuli- Chakras: third eye and throat. Clears out blockages. Stone of truth and communication. Helps to be your authentic self and can bring harmony and peace to your relationships. Wisdom stone, helps with depression and insomnia. Encourages authentic self expression and bonds. Protects against physic attacks.

  • Larimar- Chakra: crown, third eye, throat and heart. Enlighten and heal in a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual way. Very calming, soothing, and is known to relieve stress, release fears, cool tempers, and help one to let go of attachments that are not longer serving your higher self. Clear communication and expression, especially where emotions are involved.

  • Moonstone- Chakras: crown, third eye and sacral. Wonderful for period cramps this crystal soothes lower abdomen pains while easing tension in hips and thighs during this duration. Inner clarity, spiritual insight, safe travels, new beginnings and abundance. Holds Lunar energy, and shines a light on your path. Talisman of the inner journey. Amulet of protection for travelers. As the moon waxes and wanes in cyclic perfection, it creates the tides and rhythms of our mother, Earth, and influences our behaviors, emotions and spiritual growth.

  • Obsidian- Chakra: root. Protection stone, shields against negative energies, reveals obstacles, compassion, clarity and self-control. Stimulates growth and strength.. Pierces into the darkness to reveal the truth to one’s self. Cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura and is a strong psychic protection stone.

  • Opalite- Chakras: crown and third eye. Man made of synthetic glass. It helps to clear the mind and to protect the heart. Protects you through transition, heightens your physic abilities, enhances insight and intuition. Helps with depression and transition, allows you to relax and go with the flow.

  • Peridot/Olivine- Chakras: heart and solar plexus. Element: Earth. Comes out of lava after volcanic eruption and some extraterrestrial meteorites. Increase prosperity, good fortune wellbeing and warmth. “Little green nuggets of positive power” Use to bless and energize ones work or business. Helps to alleviate matters of the heart. Transformation of negative emotions like self sabotage and jealousy.

  • Pyrite/Fools Gold- Chakra: solar plexus. A great crystal for wealth, influence power, good luck and abundance manifestations. Have more commitment and persistence in all your endeavors. If ready to take action on your dreams and aspirations, be a rock star at anything that you do. Think of pyrite as your financial advisor, shields, protects and even helps you make thoughtful business decisions.

  • Rhodonite- Chakras: heart and root. Protects against envy and jealousy. Promotes passion, self confidence and nurtures love in all relationships. Stabilizes emotions while grounding you. Guides you toward forgiveness, allowing you to find peace and move on to a brighter, lighter future. Its strong heart-based medicine helps release your fears, which are sometimes disguised as toxic emotions like anger, jealousy, or resentment.

  • Rose Quartz- Chakra: throat and heart. Known as the stone of unconditional universal love, self love, joy and emotional soulful healing. Attunes to Goddess energy, attracts abundance. Promotes mutual understanding, inspires an attitude of compassion and kindness, boost peace and calming effects. Searching for a new relationship, deepening a romantic partnership, learning to love yourself, or simply wanting to bring more love into your life.

  • Selenite- Chakras: crown and third eye. Ultimate energy tool to purify, clear, cleanse, and uplift your home, plus everyone and everything in it. Healing properties are also powerful for other spiritual and energetic practices like meditation, reiki, breath work, yoga, and cord-cutting. Enhances powers of manifestation, elevates the spirit, vibrates at a high frequency and is an effective space cleanser.

  • Serpentine- Chakras: all. Serpentine is believed to help establish control over one's life. According to metaphysical beliefs, serpentine provides a clearing of thought to better facilitate meditation. It helps with pain relief, especially muscular and menstrual. This stone can assist in cellular regeneration and replenishing your energy levels. It is said to clear clouded areas of the chakras and stimulate the crown chakra, promoting spiritual understanding and psychic abilities.

  • Shiva Shell- Chakra: third eye. Folklore suggests Shiva Eye Shells are “Mermaids’ Money” and good luck to travelers and fishermen. Eye are a symbol of protection. Smooth and calming from the ocean, also while representing the golden ration from the natural spiral of the snail. Sometimes called Pacific Cat’s Eye have been believed to open the Third Eye Chakra which transform and mute negative energy.

  • Smoky Quartz- Chakra: root. Lifts the veil of depression aiding in emotional well being, helps to release, purify, and shed negative energies. Transmutes lower vibrations into higher ones. Grounding stone known for its ability to help you move on from difficult or painful experiences. It guides you to a higher state of being, a place where you can let go of the past so that it makes you better, not bitter.

  • Stromatolite- Chakra: root. Oldest fossil known on the planet, dating back more than 3 billion years ago. This fossilized blue-green algae has an exceptionally grounding and peaceful energy, which can teach us both patience and resilience. Mental clarity in helping us to see both the macro and micro levels of any situation. It’s an ideal stone to work with for new beginnings, self-discovery, confidence, truth, transformation, resolution and a sense of purpose. Considered portals to the infinite knowledge of earth-bound life and existence.

  • Strawberry Quartz- Chakras: heart. Powerful promoters for self-love and self confidence. Cleanses and purifies your aura helping you through low self-esteem or feelings of unworthiness. It ensures that your talents won’t go unnoticed, and guides you back to your path. Known for calling in your tribe and creating healthy competition, they will teach you how to improve yourself.

  • Sunstone- Chakras: solar plexus and sacral. Energy transmuter, promotes self-confidence, leadership and healthy boundaries. It’s powerful vibration radiate like the sun’s rays through your body and aura helping to balance and heal the masculine energies. Brings joy, passion, excitement and creativity into you life. Used in rituals for centuries by the Egyptians, Nordic Vikings and Native American’s.

  • Tigers Eye- Chakras: solar plexus, sacral and root. Enhances focus, self confidence, inner strength, is grounding and motivating. Helping you deal with menstruation more effectively while reducing fatigue and mood swings. An amulet for dispelling fear. It nudges people to accept all angles of themselves, from playful pose to predator and protector, because life is unpredictable and personal strength is needed to flourish.

  • Turquoise- Chakra: third eye, throat and heart. Wisdom, balance, strength, Considered a calming stone that stabilizes mood swings and is great for depression and exhaustion. It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain. Hushes your inner critic so that you can speak your truth.

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